Thursday, August 27, 2009

A couple of contributions from Bill Guy on the theme of 'Shopping' from the last session of the Aldinga group:


Once were hunter-gatherers,
Sliding through the bush with spear,
Stalking prey in cautious silence,
Taking aim while quelling fear.

Now we’re merely tame consumers,
Trundling down the aisles with trolley,
Snatching pre-packed meat or fish,
Scooping sprouts to go with cauli.

Once were eagle-eyed, fleet-footed,
Risking danger at every stride,
Leaping, striking for the kill,
Bringing back the food with pride.

Now flat-footed and dull-eyed,
Waiting in line at check-out till,
Wishing there was more to life,
Whingeing when we get the bill.

Once were campfire cooks and diners,
Eating what was caught that day,
Drifting towards a peaceful night,
Finding joy in work and play.

Now we are convenience cooks,
Plucking meals from microwave,
Thinking with self-deceptive grin,
‘This sure beats living in a cave.’


They did heroic things together,
defying all the odds;
went mountain climbing, kayaking,
smiled on by the gods.

Adventure days are now long past,
distant lands are off their map;
the local shopping centre
has become their tourist trap.

Still they have their memories,
still together, they explore,
though now it’s for exotic foods
at their super gourmet store

Bill Guy, Adelaide, July 2009

1 comment:

Kym said...

Really enjoyed your two offerings, Bill, especially the reminiscences in 'THEN AND NOW'.