Sunday, November 23, 2008


In a country far away on a digi-pixel plain
lies a hulk of digi-garbage near the sea.
And the digidrons , they scavage; in the heat,
they slave and hammer, for a few rupees,
they risk their lives in digi-hell on earth.

They separate and desecrate, the sacred cows of digi-land,
no longer sleek desktops, peripherals stripped bare.
Families fossick feverishly, they strip the stuff of dreams to bits,
alongside toxic elements laid bare.T hey work, from dawn to dusk,
to eat; to see the sun rise on another day.

Lead tin, copper, antimony; cadmium and mercury,
a toxic chemi-cocktail poising all who get too close.
They breathe, absorb the PCB’s,compounds-Hexivalent chromium;
chromium VI biphenyls, additives which maim the body mind:
all to meet our insatiable digifix demands.

We care little for the digi-trade, in India, and places where
Slave traders far and near abuse the poor.In our hunger
for the latest, we don’t care the cost in human live, we want
it now, no matter what or where it’s done.

It’s not our fault the DNA of digi-slaves will damage foetal cells.
All those who struggle to survive from hour to hour; while their
death sits listening anxiously, the door begins to close,
as their tortured lungs expel the welcome fumes of death.

So let’s think about the planet and how we live our lives,
as we let our lives be driven by our wants. Can we make
a change, we have no choice, we need to think of children
who are slaves around the globe. Let us work to modify our
needs, live simply from today, turn the lights out, turn the TV
and read!

1 comment:

Kym said...

I really like your poetry Isabel. You have been very active of late on the blog site! Its good to be able to read through all your pieces to date. I especially like this one.