Wednesday, October 28, 2009


In the soft grey light of their awakening dawn
it began by simple means and unintended
easy stages. Sadly, they were ignorant
of its advancing, pernicious existence.

Each day they would walk happily together
while the imperceptible diverging of their path
was cunningly hidden, though they were
side by side in shared knowledge.

One step, one year, one lifetime,
soon they would be so far apart
their separateness would then
be finally understood by both.

From either end of that long corridor
they looked back towards each other
wondering at how they became so distant,
not worrying at how to become rejoined.

In the never-ending confusion of this conflict,
alienation became their abiding collaborator,
as the long years of indifference made their
lives more liveable and less caring for those others.

Their progeny willingly accepted the myths of
distrust spreading quickly with great assurance.
Lives lived in ignorance enhanced the mounting
strength of this powerful, destructive schism.

It has been far too long for any repair, the eons
have made sure, the distance too vast and
the estrangement complete from those companions,
who with us, once roamed this planet in harmony.

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