Saturday, May 9, 2009

Travel So Unwisely Undertaken

When all is trouble and time
is taken from within our grasp,
it is only then we can fly to
the farthest reaches of ourselves

And find that place within,
which opens to our own world
of truth and quiet understanding.
A travelling clock ticking forever is

The untimed, jumbled, countless thoughts
painting mindless pictures we are
least likely to see or comprehend
until we stop moving and observe,

Quite clearly that those images
too have moved on and left us
bewildered by the constant travel
we have so unwisely undertaken.

1 comment:

Gulliby said...

Two clever paradoxes here:

* You can travel far without moving - by exploring the mind;

* You get most value from travel by stopping - to observe.

The sort of poem on time travel Einstein might have written!